thermodynamic transition




  1. Thermodynamic behaviors of transition metals in molten slags are an important aspect in the fundamental research of metallurgy.
  2. A thermodynamic theory is presented and three components: the ratio of volume collapses, the surface energy differences, and the internal energy differences, governing the change of transition pressure in nanocrystals were uncovered.
  3. Finally, the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters have been investigated based on the statistical thermodynamics and transition state theory.
  4. Based on the fluctuation of the liquid-vapor interface and the thermodynamic characteristic of the liquid-vapor interphase, we modified the transition state theoretical calculation of the condensation coefficient by taking into account the effect of molecular moving orientation in the free volume calculation for the activated complex.
  5. Migration mechanism of biogenic elements and their quantification on the sediment-water interface of Lake Taihu: ⅱ. chemical thermodynamic mechanism of phosphorus release and its source-sink transition
  6. Only one parameter is introduced to describe the plasticization effect, and it can be easily estimated by thermodynamic theory about the glass transition temperature depression.
  7. Thermodynamic Analysis of a Vapor-liquid Phase Transition Process
  8. With the development of Gibbs ensemble method, Montle Carlo method has shown its special abilities in the study of thermodynamic equilibrium and phase transition.
  9. Based on the general concept of the thermodynamic entropy and basic extension characteristics of entropy, this paper gives the definition of entropy and the entropy transition analysis in hydropower energy system.
  10. Thermodynamic studies on phase transition of type-ⅱ superconductors
  11. In the thermodynamic limit, the zeros accumulate nearly the transition point z_0 in the real axis and the density of zeros near z_0 determines the order of the phase transition.
  12. Thermodynamic Studies on Solutions of C_8 Aromatics in N-( p-Ethoxybenzylidene)-p-aminobenzonitrile Liquid Crystal, the Phase Transition of Liquid Crystal by GasLiquid Chromatography
  13. Thermodynamic model for ordered phase transition in C60 crystal is presented. The thermodynamic properties for C60 crystal is calculated using this model. The ordering parameter, entropy, inter-energy and specific heat occur sudden change at the critical temperature and fitting to the experimental results.
  14. Situation of Technology of Insulate Against Heat on Diesel Engine Exhaust Pipe The Thermodynamic Principle of Deflagration to Detonation Transition in a Duct
  15. Thermodynamic Model for Ordered Phase Transition in C_ ( 60) Crystal
  16. The thermodynamic and kinetic studies have been carried out on the reaction of singlet CCl2 and ozone O3 at 200K-2000K, using statistic thermodynamics and Eyring transition state theory with Wigner correction on the basis of quantum chemistry.
  17. The Thermodynamic Principle of Deflagration to Detonation Transition in a Duct A Similarity and Difference between Gasoline Engine Detonation and Crude Operation of Diesel Engine
  18. Thermodynamic Theory of Nucleation in Liquid-Vapor Phase Transition
  19. Fluidized beds are considered as thermodynamic systems, which tansfer mass and energy with their outside and dissipate energy, and their transition from the homogeneous to the heterogeneous states is studied.
  20. Statistical thermodynamic theory for the phase transition of the liquid crystalline polymers consisting of mesogenic units and flexible spacers in the main chains
  21. The basic concepts and the recent developments in thermodynamic formalism and phase transition for multifractals, and the wavelet transform, are introduced in this paper.
  22. By applying a thermodynamic theory a thermodynamic analysis was conducted of the actual vapor-liquid phase transition process commonly encountered in engineering practice. The necessary thermodynamic conditions for realizing the above-mentioned process are discussed along with the laws governing the progress of the process and relevant influencing factors.
  23. With the combination of the DFT results and statistic thermodynamic formulism as well as the transition state theory, the reaction constants for all the elementary reactions are estimated.
  24. Thermodynamic theory shows that the isentropic line between isotherms and adiabat, quasi-isentropic compression phase transition contacts the two research methods, and has important scientific significance.
  25. By calculating the thermodynamic quantity, we get the conclusion that the hopping of particles is the main reason witch lead to phase transition with low temperature, when the interaction of particles keep constant.